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September a month to be aware of chronic pain, arthritis
Posted September 15, 2011

This month is one that should make many suffering through pain consider social security disability if they have disability qualifying conditions, as many states across the country have proclaimed September as Pain Awareness Month.


VA adds to list of ships exposed to Agent Orange
Posted September 07, 2011

The Veterans Affairs Department has expanded the list of ships exposed to Agent Orange, thereby broadening the amount of veterans with disability qualifying conditions who could apply for veterans benefits.


Study: Children with OCD more likely to be bullied
Posted August 09, 2011

Children with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), a potentially social security disability qualifying condition, are more likely to be bullied than children in good health, according to a new study.


Veterans win class action lawsuit, will receive disability benefits
Posted August 09, 2011

Results of a class action lawsuit may be good news for many veterans with disability qualifying conditions.
