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Autism diagnosis likely ‘passive’ for young children, study finds
Posted April 28, 2015

In an ideal world, parents with children who have autism will get an immediate diagnosis and the ability to begin treatment right away. In many situations, this will allow them to apply for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration to get additional aid for medical bills. However, a recent study found that parents of children with autism spectrum disorder had 14 percent fewer proactive responses than parents with other development or intellectual disorders.


Many adults with mental illness can’t get help
Posted April 21, 2015

When trying to obtain disability benefits from the Social Security Administration for a mental illness, doctors visits are essential. The court needs to see that the claimant has been visiting a doctor and receiving treatment while not able to work.


Vietnam veteran files class action lawsuit against VA
Posted April 16, 2015

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has long experienced a hellishly deep backlog that has caused severe delays of veterans benefits for those in need. One Vietnam veteran has decided to take matters into his own hands, filing a class action lawsuit against the VA.


‘Band-Aids’ not enough to keep SSA disability running
Posted April 13, 2015

There has been a stated level of confusion on how disability benefits through the Social Security Administration will be funded; this level of confusion has not been seen before. Some of the confusion impacts the general public’s perception of SSA disability, but perhaps more importantly, the confounding dilemma of benefit funding may also throw off those in positions of power.
