Military veterans and their families made enormous sacrifices for our country. A military member who suffered an injury, illness, or other medical impairment while on active duty or who suffered the worsening of an already existing medical condition while on active duty can file for veterans disability compensation (VA disability benefits).
To qualify for VA disability benefits, a veteran must establish that they have a service-connected disability. Otherwise, their VA disability claim can be denied. In this blog post, our Illinois VA disability lawyer highlights some of the most important things that you should know about veterans affairs disability denials for service-connected injuries and illnesses.
Unfortunately, many military veterans struggle to get their VA disability claim approved. According to official data from Veterans Benefits Administration Reports, more than 70% of all disability claims reviewed by the agency are denied—at least initially. There are many other claims which are eventually approved after an appeal. Pursuant to federal regulations, the VA must send a written denial letter explaining the rejection of a disability claim. You should review and preserve any denial letter to determine exactly what the claim was rejected. Common reasons for denial include:
There are many cases in which there is no real dispute over the fact that a military veteran has a disability injury, illness, or other medical impairment that is severe enough to qualify for benefits. However, the veterans may still run into denial on the grounds that they did not establish that their disability was service-connected. You have the right to appeal a VA disability claim that is denied on the grounds of lack of a service connection.
To do so, it is imperative that you take immediate action. You have a limited amount of time to appeal a VA disability denial. An experienced Illinois VA disability lawyer can help. As part of your appeal, you need to prove that your condition is more likely than not to be service-connected. An attorney can help you build a compelling, persuasive case that is well-supported by the evidence.
At Harold W. Conick & Associates Ltd., our Illinois VA disability lawyer is a skilled and experienced advocate for veterans and their family members. If you or your loved one had a VA claim for a service-connected disability denied, you need professional legal guidance and support. Contact us today to arrange a no-cost, no-obligation review of your case. Our firm handles VA disability claims in the Chicago metro area, throughout Northern Illinois, and Nationwide.