Many veterans suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder after returning home to the life of a civilian from war, but not too many know how to deal with the effects of the mental illness, such as suicidal thoughts. The New York TImes wrote about one 27-year-old former Marine who found life at home difficult upon his return and ended up hanging himself. It does not have to go this far; there are veterans benefits and counseling available for returning vets suffering from PTSD and other illnesses.
“P.T.S.D. in a high-risk cohort like war veterans could actually be a physical disease from permanent brain damage, not a psychological disease,” said Bennet Omalu, the neuropathologist who examined the veteran, according to the Times. The doctor published an article about t 27-year-old veteran as a sentinel case in Neurosurgical Focus, as the Marine had also suffered from chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a degenerative condition known for affecting those who have taken blows to the head.
Many studies have found links between traumatic events that cause PTSD and the likelihood of thinking about or committing suicide. Any veteran feeling these effects should look for help through veterans benefits to help them feel good again.
The law offices of Harold W. Conick and Associates stands ready to assist Veterans across the nation with their claims for benefits.