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Report may mean stricter Social Security disability process

While there are many people in the United States and in the Chicagoland area who desperately need Social Security disability benefits to survive, there are people who have taken advantage of the system due to relaxed oversight. According to a Senate subcommittee report, which was spearheaded by one Oklahoma senator, more than a quarter of disability claims are approved despite conflicting or inadequate information. This may mean the screws will be tightened on the disability benefit process.

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SSA moves those with rare lung disease ahead on benefits list.

For soldiers who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Social Security Administration is making sure those affected by a rare lung disease can move ahead on the list if they display disability qualifying conditions stemming from burn pits and fires, according to Army Times. This “compassionate allowance” may help speed up the benefit process and get these veterans the help they need in procuring money while they cannot work.

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Congress needs to vote to keep Social Security disability alive

Unless Congress takes action soon, Social Security disability could be insolvent in four years, according to a report from Bloomberg. Those with disability qualifying conditions in desperate need of money could be severely harmed by this happening, as many of these people are using these payments to stay afloat with a disease, illness or condition.

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Denying Social Security benefits can lead to homelessness

When people with disability qualifying benefits are denied by the Social Security Administration, there could be dire consequences, according to a new report. The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty’s report said disability payments are critical to people who have these problems, but while 40 percent are most likely due these payments, only 14 percent receive them. This can end up being trouble for someone who is deserving of this money.

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People with ALS may be able to get SSD benefits quickly

With May being ALS Awareness Month, Denise Jones, a Social Security Administration employee, wrote an editorial for The Daily Nonpareil which said those with the illness may be able to get quicker Social Security disability benefits. ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a progressive disease which attacks nerve cells and pathways in the brain and spinal cord. She said ALS is one of Social Security’s “Compassionate Allowances.”

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Social Security benefit system may need to be fixed

In an editorial written on political news website The Hill, Marc Goldwein, senior policy director for the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, writes that the Social Security disability system is broken and needs to be fixed. He said within the next five years, the program will no longer be able to fully pay the 12 million people with disability qualifying benefits that currently benefit from receiving benefits.

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American workforce shrinks, number of disabled rises

While many Americans want to work, it is made impossible or nearly impossible by a litany of crippling disabilities. Business Week reports that the number of workers in the country receiving Social Security Disability payments jumped 22 percent from December 2007 to April of this year. There are currently 8.7 million people receiving Social Security disability payments.

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Identity of Social Security Administration judges kept secret before cases

While the Social Security Administration is still dealing with a massive backlog that seems to have no light at the end of the tunnel, they have also now instituted a new puzzling policy that will shield the identity of the judge until the day of the hearing. The Law Offices of Harold W. Conick and Associates believes this could put those with disability qualifying conditions at a disadvantage.

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