Although many may not think their carpal tunnel syndrome could help them get money from the Social Security Administration once they are unable to work, this is not the case. Disability qualifying conditions can include carpal tunnel syndrome and those that cannot work due to their injury should seek disability payments today.
This is not an uncommon problem anymore, so people will most likely have to be suffering from a severe case of carpal tunnel to get disability payments. The Bureau of Labor Statistics said the number of people with carpal tunnel has increased 770 percent in the last 10 years. The main cause of this increase was due to work, according to the bureau.
There are now multiple tests that people can have performed to show the severity of their disease, including a thumb weakness test, Phalen’s test, electromyography to check the muscle activity, nerve conduction studies and more. People who are suffering through carpal tunnel may want to work but just cannot without proper therapy, surgery or rest. Social Security disability payments may be a good way to help while they are unable to work.
The law offices of Harold W. Conick and Associates is well experienced in successfully representing clients before the Social Security Administration who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome. Depending on the type of past work and remaining capacity to grip and handle objects, clients suffering chronic carpal tunnel
can prevail in obtaining disability income benefits.