Whether people want to think about it or not, disability is a very real threat. Elliot Raphaelson of the Tribune said the Social Security Administration reported that one quarter of current 20 year olds will be disabled by the age of 67. It is imperative for people of all ages to know what are considered disability qualifying benefits and figure out how they can apply with the Social Security Administration when they need to.
The SSA said in order to qualify for disability benefits, the illness must be considered medically “severe” will prevent the person from performing gainful work. The disability must either last a year or result in death, prevent the patient from doing the same work they did before its onset and not be able to adjust to other forms of work while affected by it.
“There is a further eligibility requirement: You must have sufficient work credits, based on your total yearly wages or self-employment income,” Raphaelson wrote. “Generally you need 40 credits, 20 of which were earned in the last 10 years. Younger workers can apply with fewer credits.”
While it may seem like a complex process, the money that would come to those who are truly suffering can surely help pay medical bills and with other costs of living.
The Law Offices of Harold W Conick and Associates have over three decades of experience winning their clients’ SSA disability benefit claims. The law offices represent both children and adults with SSDI and SSI claims throughout the greater Midwest and U.S.