Multiple sclerosis can be tough on those who suffer from it. At the Law Offices of Harold W. Conick and Associates, we see clients who experience weakness, numbness, thinking problems, urinary problems and more from this terrible disease.
This is why we were glad to see new research from McGill University in Montreal that shows vitamin D, produced by light, and melatonin, produced in response to darkness, may help prevent and ease the symptoms of MS.
Helping reduce symptoms can be important while applying for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration.
Research from the university, printed in PLOS Medicine in August, shows that a decreased level of vitamin D may lead to an increased risk of MS.
Brent Richards, a genetic epidemiologist at McGill, said those who have family who suffer should start taking more vitamin D as soon as possible via oral supplement.
The research also found that patients with lower levels of melatonin have a greater number of MS relapses. Melatonin can help produce anti-inflammatory immune cells and prevent inflammatory cells from forming, according to the study.
While this may seem like a small step toward solving the riddle that is MS, it is essential for clients applying for disability benefits to educate themselves on the disease and visit doctors. This will go a long way toward proving the case to the SSA.