U.S. veterans who suffered brain injuries while in action may have an easier time getting veterans benefits if a new federal plan goes through. The Department of Veterans Affairs is now taking comments on proposed rule at Regulations.gov, which will end February 8. If this rule were to go into place, veterans suffering from parkinsonism, unprovoked seizures, dementia, depression or diseases of hormone deficiency could have these illnesses accepted as secondary disorders relating to a traumatic brain injury.
“Parkinson’s is difficult to live with, mentally as much as physically, and is an especially harsh payback for a young person’s sacrifices,” one of the comments on the proposal reads. “We owe it to those afflicted in this way to understand and treat their disabilities with the best possible basic and clinical research and therapies. Thanks very much.”
If this new rule goes through, the New York Times reported that it will be easier for thousands of troops to get benefits, healthcare and compensation for their illnesses.
Veterans suffering from service connected traumatic brain injury should seriously consider claiming additional benefits from VA for the disorders. The Law Office of Harold W. Conick and Associates are committed to assist veterans in securing their benefits.