Veterans are an important part of our society. They remind us of U.S soldiers who went to fight a war for their country but did not come back to their home alive. Veterans fought for our freedom, our independence, and our country. Therefore, it is only fair that they should not have to face unnecessary difficulties and complications to obtain the benefits they deserve for putting their lives at stake for our country.
However, Department of Veterans Affairs is asking veterans to undergo unwarranted medical reexaminations to continue getting benefits. A report published by Department of Veteran Affairs Office of Inspector General stated that:
“The OIG team reviewed a statistical sample of 300 cases with reexaminations from March through August 2017 (review period) and found that employees requested unwarranted medical reexaminations in 111 cases. Based on this sample, the review team estimated that employees requested unwarranted reexaminations in 19,800 of the 53,500 cases during the review period (37 percent).”
One may argue that reexaminations are important in certain situations to provide an assurance that hard earned money of our taxpayers is being spent appropriately. However, unwarranted reexaminations result in excessive amount of work, which consequently leads to undue hardship and costs millions of dollars being wasted.
As a matter of fact, the review team revealed that a staggering amount of $10.1 million was spent by Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) on unwarranted reexaminations during the 6-month review period review. Moreover, it is projected that VBA may waste around $100 million more on unwarranted reexaminations over the span of next 5 years.
If you have been subjected to unwarranted medical reexaminations in order to continue obtaining benefits and it affected the amount of your disability benefit or you believe that your rights are violated, it can be highly advantageous for your case to procure services of an experienced disability lawyer. Your attorney will ensure that your rights remain protected and you do not have to jump unnecessary hopes to obtain your rightful benefits.
A competent disability lawyer has comprehensive knowledge and understanding of law and regulations relevant to your case, which can be beneficial for your claim. Moreover, your disability lawyer will take care of all the paperwork and correspondence that will take place during your trial period to make sure that your case is free from errors or non-compliance.
If you wish to seek further information about this subject or set up a confidential case evaluation with an experienced disability lawyer, contact the offices of Harold W. Conick & Associates at (800) 608-8881 and schedule a free consultation.