According to Courthouse News, a class action lawsuit have been filed in Illinois in response to drastic cuts of in-home nursing for disabled people once they turn 21 years of age. The lead plaintiff of the class action suit, Don Harris, sued director of the Illinois Department of Health and Human Services Julie Hamos in federal court. Those affected by these cuts with disability qualifying conditions should consider filing with the Social Security Administration.
“This reduction in funding is not due to a change in the plaintiff’s medical needs but on the fact that the plaintiff’s funding at age 21 comes from a different state program, which has significant caps on funding,” the court complaint said, according to the news source. “The reduction in funding will either result in the plaintiff becoming institutionalized (hospitalized) or if he remains in the family home without sufficient skilled nursing care, then he faces a strong possibility of imminent death or a life-threatening episode.”
Harris turns 21 this month and the Courthouse News said he is blind, developmentally disabled, has seizures and severe scoliosis, according to what Harris’ mother wrote in the complaint. For those with debilitating problems like this, Social Security benefits may be a good alternative to the in-home nursing funding.
Social Security disability benefits, including Medicare, can be vital in ensuring ongoing medical treatment for a disabled individual. The law offices of Harold W. Conick and Associates are experts in proving disability claims for their clients. We are available for clients to file the initial disability and will go with the client through appealing a case to the Federal court level if necessary.