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Do you Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits?

Social Security AttorneyThe United States has a great system which does not leave the people who have sustained a disability in their later life to fend for themselves. People who are suffering from diseases such as congestive heart failure, late stage kidney disease and cancer, or even people who have sustained a permanently damaging injury due to aging effect or residual conditions may become eligible for a disability benefit.

There are certain rules that the government has set to ensure that a person who truly deserves the benefits receives them. These include:

  • The person in question must have a mental or physical disability
  • The disability hinders the person’s ability to do gainful work
  • The disability must be one that has lasted or will last 12 months, or can lead to the death of the affected.

Proving a disability can be very difficult which is why, when seeking out a disability benefit, it is advised to talk to a lawyer who is reliable in this field of work. Here are some guidelines for people who are claiming a disability benefit.

Physical or Mental Disability

It is clear that the benefit is only meant for people who are medically declared as being physically or mentally impaired. For people who are claiming a disability benefit, organizing all your documents, including doctors’ and medical bills that have been paid in the last year, can easily prove to the social security administration that you have a legitimate reason to acquire the benefit.

Disability hinders the ability to perform substantial work

For people claiming a disability benefit, having a link between you and your disability not letting you perform at your current job, must be strong. Once this link has been established and confirmed, the administration will then judge whether you are able to perform well at any other job that can pay more than $1,170 per month. If not, then you will be legible to qualify for a disability benefit.

Disability should be lasting

The disability should be one that can last for or has lasted for 12 months. For this, you can contact your doctor and ask for a letter that confirms the disability as one which is either fatal or long lasting.

For people who are seeking this benefit, taking out the time to get into the details of social security law and how it operates can be difficult. With the disability, the person can have a hard time going to places and getting everything in order. For this purpose, hiring a lawyer who is experienced in social security law can help ease things a lot.

Harold W. Conick & Associates Ltd has been representing clients successfully for over 30 years. To schedule a consultation with our Social Security disability attorney, contact us today, at (800) 608-8881.