Those who work in an office every day year in, year out may know the feeling: numbness, tingling and eventually burning in the hands and wrist that seems to get worse over time. This is likely carpal tunnel syndrome, something that impacts as many as 11 million Americans each year.
While this is not something listed by the Social Security Administration as an impairment, severe cases of carpal tunnel can be fought and won. It will be essential for the sufferer to have medical records from doctor visits that show how severe their carpal tunnel is. This will go a long way toward explaining to the SSA judge just how much the ailment is affecting you at work.
For those who want to avoid suffering from carpal tunnel, Business Management Daily Gave some tips as to how to help avoid suffering.
First, you should always type with your wrists and elbows in a straight line and your arms parallel to help avoid carpal pressure. Second, be sure to take the time to stretch your wrists before you start typing and intermittently during typing sessions. Always look to give your wrists necessary breaks and be sure to listen to your pain; fighting through it will only make things worse.
The Law Offices of Harold W. Conick & Associates has successfully represented numerous clients suffering with carpal tunnel syndrome over the past 30 years. This ailment can seriously interfere with a person’s ability to perform many work activities due to limitation of the use of the hands, not to mention severe pain.
Supportive medical findings from testing such as an EEG and clinical examination by the claimant’s doctors are vital to proving the debilitating effect of carpal tunnel syndrome.