Military veterans and their families have made tremendous sacrifices to support our country. The United States Census Bureau reports that there are an estimated 3.9 million U.S. veterans who are currently receiving VA disability benefits nationwide. It is imperative that veterans with a service-related disability are able to access the full and fair benefits that they deserve.
The VA disability claims process can be complicated. Medical records are crucial. The veterans’ disability compensation that a person receives will depend, in large part, on their VA disability rating. You need an accurate rating. Our Chicago VA disability lawyer provides a comprehensive overview of VA disability ratings below.
A VA disability rating is effectively a determination of the severity of your disability. As described by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), a VA disability rating is important. It is used to “determine how much disability compensation you’ll receive each month.”
The VA disability ratings range from 0 (no disability) to 100 (total disability). The higher the disability rating, the more severe the VA views a person’s service-connected disability. They are assigned in increments of ‘10’—meaning there is no such thing as a VA disability rating of ‘75’.
Your disability rating is directly associated with your level of monthly disability compensation. To understand the importance of an accurate VA disability rating, it is useful to see the numbers. Here is an overview of the baseline for VA disability compensation by disability rating for 2022:
Your VA disability benefits will depend, in large part, on your disability rating. The VA disability rating is effectively a physician’s judgment on the severity of your injury. Here is a brief overview of VA disability payments for different disability ratings for the year 2022:
This table shows VA disability benefits at different rating levels for 2022 for a veteran with no dependents. A disabled veteran who has qualifying dependents. may receive additional disability compensation.
Harold W. Conick & Associates Ltd. represents VA disability clients throughout Illinois and the greater Chicago metropolitan area, as well as Indiana and Wisconsin. Our VA disability attorney is a fierce, effective advocate for justice. We can help you access the benefits you deserve. Contact us at (800) 608-8881 for a free, no-obligation initial appointment with a skilled and experienced attorney.